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Curriculum Offer at Elmwood School

The curriculum offer at Elmwood has developed significantly overtime and puts our pupils at the centre of everything we do. We prepare our young people for their post 16 journeys and adulthood by providing opportunities that offer stretch and challenge, make rounded personalities and help individuals find how they can best contribute to their surrounding community. We believe ‘it takes a village to raise a child’ and that our learning community when combined with parents & carers, are the best possible attributes involved in this journey utilising a skills deficient model to create brighter futures.

Each aspect of the curriculum is underpinned by one of Morlock’s stages of adventure and secures a global movement committed to changing the modern world so that it lives in harmony with nature.

Schools have to deliver Religious Education as part of their curriculum offer. Parents and Carers however have the right to withdraw their child from all or part of RE.

The four stages of adventure are as follows:

Play: Where the child is working in an environment where no fear/risk are prevalent but they are having a nice, pleasant time.

Adventure: The child is in control of the situation and is using their knowledge and experience to overcome potential barriers, fear/risk is virtually absent due to control levels.


Frontier Adventure: The child is working within an environment where uncertainty is apparent, there is fear/risk of failure but if they succeed in this event then is firmly etched upon their mind for ever. This enables “stretch and challenge” to occur.


Misadventure: The child is experiencing a situation that they are not in control of and don’t have the knowledge and experience to achieve the outcome YET! They will be made aware of the risks and natural consequences that could occur if they continue with this activity without support and guidance.


Each curriculum area is supported by the use of a Knowledge Word Wheel which enables differentiated outcomes, and planning for differentiated questioning aligned to blooms taxonomy. This in turn provides pupils with the opportunity to deepen their knowledge and understanding in a clear and accessible way when needed. In addition to this each subject area conducts a baseline assessment which enables us to celebrate a child’s progress from starting point into the school whilst establishing challenging targets for them to aspire to and maximise attainment.

Our Key Stage 3 Curriculum Model: 

All of our pupils are encouraged to actively engage in a wide range of learning experiences that promote a knowledge of all areas. The KS3 Curriculum Model is constructed with a central focus being on Out and About, the Social Use of Language, and the skills of reflection. English, Maths, Science, Physical Education, Food Technology, Art, Design & Technology, a half termly theme topic, Drama, Social reading and PSHEe enhance the variety of subjects offered to our pupils. We encourage pupils to take pride in their work and find ways to overcome challenges when faced with adversity using appropriate methods and strategies that have a positive impact on learning. Pupils are stretched and challenged both academically and personally as we promote resilience in attitudes to learning by using a variety of skills and work models. We celebrate pupils who are able to show a love of learning in a variety of ways which doesn’t have to be excellent attainment but can also be a passion to learn or a desire to excel.

We encourage learning to be taken beyond the walls of a classroom where relevant as often as possible. This enables learners to relate their learning to the world around them and make it more accessible and relative to real life experiences and scenarios. We underpin all our learning to educate our pupils to know how it fits into their environment and the impact it has on engagement with their surroundings.

Curriculum Time (mins per week)
Out and About
Social Use of Language Programme
Physical Education
Food Technology
Design & Technology
Social Reading

Pupils who are highlighted as having a cognition and learning need are provided with an adapted curriculum which offers additional opportunities for processing times, visual learning prompts, repetition of skills, and cross curricular learning to embed knowledge and understanding in a more accessible way.

Our Key Stage 4 Curriculum Model:

The KS4 Curriculum promotes reflection, Independent Advice and Guidance, and gives consideration to individual pathways to adulthood. Combined with English, Maths, Science, 2 BTEC Options, Physical Education, Design & Technology, a half termly theme topic, PSHEe and Learning to Learn. Discovery, research methods and a deepening knowledge and understanding is supported by the Knowledge Word Wheel and used when appropriate.

Qualifications are selected for individuals depending on their level of ability and pathway for the future. Pupils develop a greater understanding of how their knowledge and learning impacts on themselves, others and their environment. Learning becomes more accessible as it is relatable to real life situations and so retention is improved.

Curriculum Time (mins per week)
Other Information
Independent Advice and Guidance
240 across the academic year per pupil
Core allocation but additional time is available. Please see careers curriculum offer documents below.
Physical Education
Out and About
Pupils to choose one subject from this block.
Motorcycle Maintenance
Design & Technology
BTEC Option One
BTEC Option Two
Social Reading
Learn to Learn

For our KS4 pupils identified as having cognition and learning needs we offer an enhanced curriculum which provides individuals with a weekly opportunity to transition to Rodbaston College to participate in courses that prepare them for post 16 pathways. In addition, we are able to accommodate longer processing times within learning, add visual prompts as a teaching aide, repeat skills taught to improve retention and retrieval practice, and provide cross curricular learning to embed knowledge and understanding in a more accessible way.

BTEC Options explained:
KS4 pupils have access to select two of the following BTEC vocational pathways to support their accredited curriculum, these are:

BTEC Award in Home Cooking Skills (Level 1 – Level 2)

BTEC Award in Sport (Level 1 – Level 2)

BTECH Award in Performing Arts (Level 1 – Level 2)

Level 1 Pass qualifications are equivalent to 28APS / GCSE Grade 2 and Level 2 Pass qualifications are equivalent to 40APS / GCSE Grade 4; Level 2 Merit qualifications are equivalent to 46APS / GCSE Grade 5.

ASDAN Wider Key Skills (Level 1 and Level 2)

Level 1 qualifications are equivalent to 19APS / GCSE Grade 1 and Level 2 qualifications are equivalent to 35APS / GCSE Grade 3.

For pupils who show a specific aptitude towards a subject area the school will work in collaboration with other Secondary Schools (within the borough) to facilitate this opportunity.

Recent examples of this have been:

Ormiston Shelfield Academy; GCSE Art and Design.

Barr Beacon, GCSE Computer Science and BTEC Health and Social Care.

As a school we are committed to supporting children into appropriate Post 16 provision to secure and maintain education, training or employment. This reinforces the schools drive towards “community responsibility”.

Any further information on the curriculum should be addressed to Mrs Gemma Francis, Assistant Headteacher.


Curriculum Operational

At Elmwood the term “Curriculum Operational” refers to the overarching  principles of Intent, Implementation and Impact within that specific subject identifying what to expect over the long, medium and short term.

Curriculum Strategic

At Elmwood the term “Curriculum Strategic” refers to the overarching principles of Intent, Implementation and Impact within that specific subject area and clearly identifies how the school’s value are demonstrated through behaviours. It is also an opportunity to identify the strengths of the subject area and next steps for further improvement.


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