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Elmwood School has a governing body made up of ten members (9 governors and one associate member).  These include representatives from the Local Authority, community (co-opted), parents and staff.


The role of Chair of Governors is carried out by Mrs Sallyann Tuckwell Allen and the Vice chair is Mrs Sandra Mills. The Clerk to the Governors is Mrs Dawn Canham.


The Governing Body has three main key roles which are to provide a strategic view, to act as a critical friend to the headteacher and staff and to ensure accountability.


A vacancy currently exists for a co-opted governor.



The Governing Body bring a wealth of expertise to the School and is currently made up of nine members, 3 male and 6 female. These members represent a wide range of expertise an consist of nine members of white ethnicity and one black Caribbean.


In addition to the Headteacher, Lee Cross, we have the following Governors:-


Mrs Sallyann Tuckwell-Allen joined the Governing Body in January 2018 as an LA Governor and  is an Assistant Head and SENCO at a local primary School.  Mrs Tuckwell-Allen is the link governor for safeguarding/attendance and was appointed as  joint Chair of Governors in December 2022. 


Ms Sarah Thornton, mom to a Year 10 pupil, joined the Governing Body on the 17th March 2021 as a parent governor. Sarah is link governor for pupil wellbeing/PSHE. 


Mr Johnathan Matthews, parent, joined the Governing Body on the 23rd January 2023 as a parent governor.


Miss Lisa Jones, parent, joined the Governing Body on the 26th January 2023 as a parent governor. Lisa is a link governor for the creative technologies curriculum.


Mr Leon Donaldson, teaching assistant, was elected as a staff governor with effect from 5th July 2o21.  Leon is a valued member of staff who supports our pupils in class and is a great asset to the team.


Mrs Sandra Mills joined the Governing Body in October 2021 as a co-opted governor and will bring financial expertise to the board.  Sandra is the link governor for Health and Safety and was elected Vice Chair in November 2023.


Mrs Di Cadman joined the team as an associate member in October 2021. As a former teaching assistant at the school, Di knows the school well and will help to support the school vision of following the Elmwood Way.


Miss Hannah Shepherd joined as a co-opted governor on 23rd May 2024 and is also a Deputy Head at another Walsall Special School.


The views of parents and carers are always welcome and their input into school life is encouraged wherever possible. 


Previous Governors

Over the last twelve months the following governors have left the governing body.


In September 2023 we sadly said goodbye to Rose Burley as a Co-opted Governor. Rose has been a part of Elmwood School since it first opened in 2008 and has previously taken on the roles of Chair and Vice Chair of Governors. Rose has always been a great advocate for the school and her support/expertise will be greatly missed.  A big thank you to Rose for her years of dedication.


Mrs Tracey MacDonald ended her time as a governor at the end of May 2024 after serving 11 years as a governor.  Mrs MacDonald has been a true friend and advocate to the school and will leave a big void on the governing body team.  A massive thank you to Mrs MacDonald for her years of service and the door will always be open for her to visit.



In addition to a termly meeting held by the whole governing body during the Spring, Summer and Autumn term, governors are also members of individual committees, which meet on a regular basis. It is sometimes necessary for special meetings to be arranged when a matter of urgency arises.


Termly meetings are scheduled for 4.00 pm on:

Autumn – Thursday 28th September 2023 and Wednesday 29th November 2023

Spring – Thursday 11th January 2024 (EB) and Thursday 22nd February 2024

Summer – Thursday 11th April 2024 (EB) and Thursday 23rd May 2024


Committees consider financial, personnel, pupil and building matters.


Finance & Pay Committee meetings are scheduled for 4.00 pm on:

Autumn – Thursday 19th October 2023

Spring – Thursday 8th February 2024

Summer – Thursday 16th May 2024


Sites and Buildings Committee meetings are scheduled for 3.30 pm on:

Autumn – Thursday 19th October 2023

Spring – Thursday 8th February 2024

Summer – Thursday 23rd May 2024


Curriculum and Policies Committee meetings are scheduled for 4.00 pm on:

Autumn – Thursday 9th November 2023

Spring – Thursday 14th March 2024

Summer – Thursday 4th July 2024


Copies of any public minutes can be obtained from the Clerk to the Governors via the School; a charge for copying would be applicable.


Getting Involved

When time allows Governors support the School where possible by attending events, functions and training.


Previously these have included theme days, hospitality and catering events and assemblies.


Governors are also involved in the recruitment of any new staff to the School.



Governing Body Terms of Office and Business Interests
Governor Name
Type of Governor
Chair (CH) or Vice Chair (VC)
Committee Chair
Connections to Staff, Yes or No If Yes, who and how.
Term of Office End Date
Other School Governor Posts held. Name of school and governor type
Business Interests declared. Yes of No If yes please state
Sallyann Tuckwell-Allen
Finance and Pay
Pelsall Village School
Co-opted governor vacancy
Sandra Mills
Leon Donaldson
Sites and Buildings
Lee Cross
Upon leaving employment of School
Lisa Jones
Jon Matthews
Sarah Thornton
Di Cadman
Associate Member

Legend:LA – Local Authority appointed (recommended) by Walsall CouncilPG – Parent Governor, elected by parents at the schoolSTF – Staff governor elected by staff at the schoolCG – Co-opted Governor, appointed by the governing body


Governing Body Committee Membership
Staff Dismissal
Vacancy (Chair)
Sallyann Tuckwell-Allen
Sandra Mills
Staff Dismissal Appeals
Hannah Shepherd
Di Cadman
Finance and Pay
Vacancy - (Chair)
Sandra Mills
Hannah Shepherd
Lee Cross
Finance and Pay Appeals
Sallyann Tuckwell-Allen (Chair)
Sarah Thornton
Pupil Support
Vacancy - (Chair)
Sallyann Tuckwell-Allen
Hannah Shepherd
Sandra Mills
Sites and Buildings
Leon Donaldson - (Chair)
Lee Cross
Di Cadman
Sarah Thornton
Sandra Mills
Complaints Panel
Hannah Shepherd
Leon Donaldson
Di Cadman
Curriculum and Policies
Sallyann Tuckwell-Allen - (Chair)
Lee Cross
Leon Donaldson
Appraisal Committee
Hannah Shepherd
Sallyann Tuckwell-Allen
Appraisal Appeals
Sandra Mills

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