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Golden Ticket

When visitors come into school they are presented with a copy of our school values of care for self, care for others or care for our environment together with a golden ticket.  If a pupil impresses a visitor by displaying any of these values, they are presented with a golden ticket.  This is exchanged for something sweet in the office and the lucky pupil who achieves the most during the academic year, is then treated to a meal out with the Headteacher.


Useful Websites

Pupils may find the following websites useful, in particular pupils in Years 9, 10 and 11 with regards to the PHSEe curriculum:


New Judo Club

Details of a new judo club in Walsall are available on the flyer below:


How to Access Home Learning

To support pupils and parents who are either self-isolating or not accessing the in-school offer Mr Hawkes has completed 3 videos to navigate you through the school website. This will hopefully reduce further anxieties and stresses for you all and provide you with a variety of enriching activities to support your child’s academic progress as well as their social and emotional wellbeing. This approach is based on the feedback from parents / carers from the first National Lockdown and builds upon our home learning offer.   


Due to the size of the videos below, there may be a short delay in these downloading so please be patient.




Secondary version


Would you like to start your own business?


Primary version​?​
Would you like to start your own business?
Pupil Challenge Tasks

Below are a number of challenge tasks for pupils to participate in:


Pupil Access to Curriculum Areas
Key Stage 4 - English and Maths

Pupils are able to access the above by clicking on the link below with their username and password.


Pupils can log on to the link below to access the webinar – ‘What is money’.  Resources that accompany the webinar are also available below.


Easy to follow instructions on how to access BKSB can be found below.


Key Stage 3 - English

Pupils are able to access the above by clicking on the link below for Literacy Planet with their username and password.



Easy to follow instructions on how to access Literacy Planet can be found below.


How to log into Literacy Planet

KS3 English Project

Please find below the above spring term 1 project.


KS3 English Project


Key Stage 3 - Maths

Pupils are able to access the above by clicking on the link below for Mymaths with their username and password.



Please see screen pictures and explanation below for any pupil who is having difficulty in accessing the site.


Test Your Timetables

Maths Chase is a completely free site where you can quickly test your times tables. The site is a very simple game where you may find it a really fun way to learn your times tables. Click on the link below to try it out:


Key Stage 3 - Science

The platform provides pupils with access to their own dashboard, with lessons assigned to them by their teacher. On this dashboard, pupils can revisit lesson presentations, take quizzes and complete word searches.


You can sign in to Developing Experts using the following details:



Select your school by typing your school name in the box.


Then, enter your ‘Pupil login code’:


This will take you into the pupil dashboard.


Further details on how to access the above are available below.


Pupil Support Systems/Mentoring

All pupils have access to pupil support/mentoring. Where necessary, support and advice will also be sought from specialist teachers, an educational psychologist, medical practitioners and/or others, to identify or support specific needs.


On a weekly basis, pupils have access to mentoring which is led by a member of staff of their choosing. This type of mentoring aims to either support pupils learning, behavioural or emotional needs. This support comes in two forms:


1) Friday morning mentoring: led by all staff. Staff use the mentoring sheet each week to set targets based on learning and behaviour. Pupils have the opportunities to discuss any achievements or issues that they have had in the week.

2) Full mentoring programme: led by specialist teachers or those with specific training. Pupils who participate in the full mentoring programme have been identified as having higher needs (indicated through the use of Elizabeth Morris – Self Esteem Indicators) by SLT and thus need extra support from a qualified member of staff. Usually pupils take part in a 12-week mentoring programme designed to improve an area of their life that they would like to improve.


Young Minds

Whether you want to understand more about how you’re feeling and find ways to feel better, or you want to support someone who’s struggling, YoungMinds can help. Please click on link below to access their website.


Belt Status System

Our pupil assessment system has been designed around martial arts and consists of seven coloured belts for pupils to aim for and hopefully achieve.


Information on how to do this is in the attached document Status poster


Careers and Guidance

The school has appointed an Independent Careers and Advice Guidance in the form of Rachael Maybank, Specialist Careers Adviser. Rachael supports the School and students at Elmwood with attendance at Annual EHCP review meetings, providing written comprehensive reports (including transition plans, getting ready documents and advice for EHCP’s).  Rachael also supports our Progress and Achievement events held termly where Post 14 and 16 providers are looked at who may be able to support the individual to thrive and not just maintain.


Post 16 Pathway Information

The table below shows what options are available for post 16.


Local Youth Club Information

Parents and Carers may be interested in finding out more about youth clubs in the local area.



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