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Safeguarding Information For Parents and Carers

Stop Abuse Together Campaign

It’s estimated that one in ten children in England and Wales will experience sexual abuse before they turn sixteen. That’s equivalent to three in every classroom.


Most children won’t tell anyone at the time of their abuse. That’s why it’s important for everyone to know how to spot the potential signs of child sexual abuse and where to go for support if concerned.


The Government’s new Stop Abuse Together website is to help teachers and parents learn to spot the signs and know when to reach out for more support. If you have any concerns at all about a child’s safety or wellbeing you can call the NSPCC helpline on 0808 800 5000.


Walsall PREVENT Programme

The newly developed Walsall Prevent Programme – A Guide for Parents and Carers  provides useful and relevant information around the dangers of radicalisation. This guidance is clearly directed towards the parents and carers of children and young people. 


The information sheet contains the following information:-
  1. Overview of radicalisation.

  2. Why do people become radicalised?

  3. How are young people radicalised?

  4. How can parents keep young people safe?

  5. Tacking the issue: a step by step guide.

  6. Where else can I find support?

  7. What can I do if I have a concern?


The links below are two new animated ‘explainer films’ about Prevent and provide an introduction to Prevent and to the work of Prevent officers.



TikTok Online Safety Advice

Parents and carers may find the advice sheet around using Ti kTok useful especially around keeping your child safe as well as offering some top tips.


There is a video circulating of a suicide following a Facebook live-stream that was quickly taken down.


If parents find a distressing clip on Tiktok they will need to open the video and press the share button, tap report and follow the online instructions.


On Facebook, they can report a photo or video that they believe violates its Community Standards by clicking or tapping on the post to expand it.

Hover over the photo or video and hit Options in the bottom right corner.

Click Find Support or Report Photo for photos or Find support or report video for videos.

Select the option that best describes the issue and follow the on-screen instructions.


On Instagram, tap the three dots above the photo or video post, tap report, and then select why you’ve chosen to report the post.


Online Safety Posters

Below are a number of fact sheets explaining to parents/carers what they need to know about the use of Snapchat, Facebook, Instagram, Netflix and Google.


Building Digital Resilience 

Below is a useful resource around a ‘Parent’s Guide to Online Risks and Tools to Protect Parents, Their Children and Others From Harm in the Digital Space’ which has been produced by Walsall LA.


Internet Safety

As children are likely to be spending more time on line, This website contains loads of useful tips for helping to keep them safe.



SafeToNet is an app for parents to help them safeguard their children from online risks like cyberbullying and sexting, whilst always respecting their child’s rights to privacy. The SafeToNet Foundation is providing UK families with free-for-life access to the SafeToNet safeguarding solution during coronavirus. Using the code: SAFE, parents can get free access to the app which has wellbeing activities and adds a safeguarding keyboard to the child’s phone. Further details are available on their website,


The PREVENT Strategy

Prevent is a government strategy designed to stop people becoming terrorists or supporting terrorist or extremist causes.  An information leaflet explaining what this entails is on the leaflet below.


If you have any questions or concerns about the Prevent strategy and what it means for your child, please do not hesitate to contact the school. Our Single Point of Contact (Prevent Lead) is Mr Lee Cross with Bev Bailey, Family Welfare Officer as Deputy SPOC.


Launch of Educate Against Hate

The Government has launched the website – which is designed to equip parents as well as schools with the information, tools and resources needed to recognise and address extremism and radicalisation in young people.


Children and Sexting

Sharing information online is now part of everyday life. Digital devices can capture, store and share personal information in an instant. We are all at risk of oversharing personal and private information but none more so than children. Children are at risk of sharing too much personal information with strangers and with other children. Most children use the internet to explore social and personal relationships safely, but it is all too easy to be put at risk. Keeping children safe on line  is of paramount importance; further details on becoming a ‘Gooseberry Guru’ can be found on our safeguarding page.


Sexual Exploitation

Sexual exploitation is a crime that parents and carers should be aware of.  Support can be found by clicking here.


Coping With Self Harm

Below is a document that parents and carers may find useful in coping with self harm.


Useful Information

FREE: Online Parenting Course which includes topics such as radicalisation and extremism, cyberbullying and sexting. Further details on our parents area page.


Children, Sexting and Sexual Imagery - sharing information online is now part of everyday life. Learn how to become a Gooseberry Guru from the document below issued by Gooseberry Planet.



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